Photobucket Just Poems from June: September 2008

Friday, September 05, 2008

Watching Mr. Squirrel (Nature Poem)

( This is a little fun poem I wrote a few years ago. I have posted it before but I got some cute Pics recently of Mr.Squirrel, so here it is again! )

Watching Mr. Squirrel

At the first hint of chill of Autumn days
the pace accelerates, and he scurries, to and fro.
Gathering seeds and nuts to hide in secret places,
that only he, alone, can know…
long before the winter snow!
He must know of the old adage,
(Of not putting all your eggs in one basket)
as he follows this rule with his winter store of treats!
He digs holes among the roots of trees,
and more among the hedges, and behind the garden gate!
This ritual, he does repeat!
So...when the snows of winter come,
so snug, I know, he’ll be;
in his nest- high in the tree!
He'll venture out just long enough ,
retrieving treats he’s storing now
from hiding places,
unknown by all…
except for him-
and –ME!

June Kellum
Oct. 2003


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